These files are for educational, research, and personal experimentation only. Use them responsibly with your own devices. I am not liable for any unethical or harmful use.
Put in the /badusb/ folder on your SD Card, and access via BadUSB app (it may be called BadKB in some firmwares)
please read, review, and edit each script before running it
Put in /subghz/jamming/, also access them via the Sub-GHz app.
you are only allowed to send signals on these frequencies Regional Civilian-Permitted Frequencies
Put in /apps_data/music_player/ folder on your SD Card and access via the Music Player app (may be in the Media Folder)
Player can read several formats including fmf, txt
copy to /infrared/ folder on your SD Card, preferably in a new subfolder called “IRDB”
has infrared remote controls for a large collection of products and brands.
Not pre-installed in Momentum firmware v0.0.7:
There are plenty of other great apps you can find via the flipper lab site or github!